Helmuth Rier ist in Kastelruth/Südtirol geboren und aufgewachsen. Film und Fernsehen sind seine ursprüngliche Berufung, als Kameramann war er auf allen Kontinenten unterwegs. Anfang der 80er Jahre begann er mit der Fotografie. Seit 30 Jahren arbeitet er als freier Fotograf für nationale und internationale Publikationen und Unternehmen. Seine Bildsprache vermittelt Dynamik; Flexibilität bei Themen und Material ist sein Credo. Seine Arbeit umfasst ein breites Themenspektrum: so ist er ein Experte der Outdoor-Fotografie, wird von bedeutenden Marken aus der Sport- und Freizeitmode engagiert und ist ein gefragter Fachmann der Tourismusfotografie.


Helmuth Rier è nato e cresciuto a Castelrotto in Alto Adige. Il cinema e la televisione erano la sua iniziale vocazione, per la quale ha girato tutti i continenti come cameraman. Alla fine degli anni 80 ha iniziato con la fotografia, e da oltre venticinque anni lavora come fotografo professionista. Con apparecchiatura da studio, riflettori o formati medi, oppure con panoramica in paesaggi naturali, Helmuth Rier ha l´occhio di un cameraman. Un linguaggio in immagini, il suo, all´insegna del dinamismo.


Helmuth Rier was born in Kastelruth/South Tyrol. He began his career as a cameraman for film and TV, also by travelling all over the world. Since the beginning of the 80ies he has been devoted to photographing and has been working as a photographer for national and international companies and publishers. He is able to convey dynamics in his imagery; his ability in using different material for diverse topics is his credo. His work compromises a broad range of topics: On one hand, he is an expert when it comes to outdoor-photographing and he is continually hired by famous fashion brands of the sport and leisure industry. On the other, though, he is an excellent photographer in the tourism sector and in his studio he can show his experience and perfection in lighting and photo technology.











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